Wednesday, January 28, 2009

We Know the Story, but the Pictures Really Do Tell It Well

The charts above vividly illustrate the sharp contraction the economy is going through.

The first chart covers capacity utilization, or the effective utilization of factory assets and production capability in the United States. Capacity utilization fell to 73.6% from 75.2%. This is the lowest level since December 2001.

The second chart shows inbound and outbound freight to the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. Inbound traffic was 19% below last December. For the LA area ports, outbound traffic continued to decline in December, and was 30% below the level of December 2007.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Bailout Game

We’ve reached the point where things are so bad we can only laugh at it — and that means its time for amusing and silly, time-killing web games.

The US economy is failing. Your job is to save it from economic ruin by choosing which companies live and which can be let go bankrupt. Interactive flash, looks like Monopoly. If you get stuck, you can always “Ask A Greenspan.” Click here to begin the game.